Monday, June 9, 2008

Boys and Guns

If the world were full of stable, humane, sensible, and righteous people..

...there would be no need to lock your car, keep your purse close by, teach your kids not to take candy from strangers, or carry a gun. But as we all know, this is not the case. Evil exists in this world. When it comes to parents and the sensitive issue of boys and guns, what is our responsibility to the issue of evil in the world? Should we deny it, simply accept it, or counter it?

To deny it
The heart of liberalism says that it is possible to create a perfect world, if only we will give them control of it. And since our media, education, and big corporations are filled with liberal ideology, we have been told over and over again that boys should not be allowed to play with toy guns, because doing so will interfere with the perfect, weapon-free world they believe they can create. Is little boys running around playing toy swords, bows and arrows, and guns going to create a generation of rapists and murders? Is this long-held pastime of child play the reason why there is so much violence in the world? Hardly.

The nature of little boys
Boys and weapons have long been synonymous. Boys play by fighting, even male animals do so. For little boys everything goes out with a bang. Any parent or bystander has observed this phenomena. Does this mean that boys are inherently evil, and we need to drug them, discipline them, and feminize them until they become perpetual house cats? Our culture believes so. But do you? If playful fighting, aggression, and dominance is an inherent trait in little boys, little lion cubs, and little puppies, could it possibly be there for a reason? Is it possible that God, in all his wisdom, gave little boys a tendency towards fighting for a reason?

Thank God for little boys!
Did we ever stop to think that God gave little boys the tendency to fight for a reason? Is it possible that little boys (and animals) fight, wrestle, and are obsessed with weapons to prepare them for later in life, when they will need those skills?

Thank God that the parents of our founding fathers allowed them to roll-play acts of bravery, courage, and defending the weak and young that they would one day grow up to be brave soldiers countering the evil in the world! Thank God for men of nobility that are willing to lay down their lives in the line of fire fighting for our freedom and safety!

Little boys need to be allowed to be little boys. Again, liberals and parenting "experts" would like to tell you that the only reason boys and girls are the way they are (different!) is because parents have made them that way. If parents, they say, would stop being so sexist, then all the gender differences would magically disappear in just one generation! Then we would have a unisex, non-aggressive, non-oppressive, peaceful and perfect world!

Maybe I'm not the only one for whom this is a little too much to swallow. Any person with half a brain who has been around little boys and girls for a few minutes knows that when you give a little girl a stick she'll turn it into a baby doll or a broom. Give a little boy a stick and he'll turn it into a gun or a sword, whether or not they've been exposed to "violent television" or their parents put "stereotypes" by buying them certain toys or pressuring them to act a certain way. This is absolute nonsense and any parent could tell you the same. The problem is, no one listens to parents.

Boys are aggressive for a reason! And letting a little boy play with a toy pistol is not going to make him a murderer. The last thing we need is more poor excuses for men in this world that know how to run a fax machine and drive a Lexus but couldn't protect their family from a robber or survive a day in the wilderness without a cell phone and clean clothes.

Counter the evil in the world!
Our world needs men of courage, strength, and dignity. Parents should raise their children to counter the evil in the world, not deny it. Taking the guns away from the good guys is not going to make a perfect world, only a lot of endangered people. Aldolf Hitler said that "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." As a matter of fact, all mass murders have agreed in one thing: gun control works! Just look at the view points of Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Qaddafi, Castro, Jong-Il, Pot Pol, and others and see how they made mass conquering and murdering easy: taking away the people's ability to protect themselves!

Take guns away from women and make the streets a safer place for rapists. Take guns away from citizens and make the roads a safer place for car-jackers. Take guns away from business owners and make the city a safer place for robbers. Take guns away from families and make the world a safer place for mass murders, conquerors, and oppressors. Evil exists, and so should responsible ownership of the means to protect yourself. Guns save lives and protect people. Don't count on a lucky rabbit's foot to protect you: when the bear attacked, it didn't save the bunny! Let's raise our children to be men of virtue, men of courage, and men of responsibility. If guns kill people, than pens misspell words. One day, that little boy may very well save your life with that gun you taught him how to use. When that happens, thank God for the right to raise our children with courage and dignity!

"Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me."
Psalm 144:1-2

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