Thursday, January 10, 2008

Events: North Carolina, December 31 - January 9

Hunter had a splendid time visiting our friends in North Carolina for New Years (and the week and a half thereafter). The trip was, to the extreme, last minute (we didn't finalize the plans until hours before they left to come up here). But nonetheless we had a wonderful time anyway.

Besides the chickens, goats, pigs, a horse, and several dogs and cats, he had seven--count em--seven older boys to play with, ranging in the ages of six to twenty years. And also, one of his favorite companions, Rachel, the ten-year-old, and his buddy Elizabeth, the twenty three-year-old.

The Jackson family and us

The family of eleven lives in rural North Carolina on about twenty acres of land that includes all the animals, kids, and recycled toys a kid could ask for. Being homeschoolers, all the kids were great with diverse ages and treated Hunter like a beloved little brother, taking him along to do all sorts of things and helping care for his needs and wants, without ever being asked. I could rarely pry him off of the boys for anything, as he was in heaven having all the wrestling partners he could ever ask for.

Besides running around in the spring-like weather on go-carts, horses, and tricycles, he also had a fun time playing with cards, UNO Stacko, and their Thomas the Tank Engine train set. He also loved doing his math, geography, and presidents at bedtime before his audience of three or four kids who always came up for the excitement of quick flashing facts and lots of hugs and tickles to follow.

Yes, we managed to get in a full week of math in, including our introduction to addition. With the excellent way our program has been going, I didn't want to mess ANYTHING up (by taking a week and a half off), especially considering that the entire beginning was pushing our luck since we started it when he was so "old" (over 30 months). We also got an introduction to the countries of the West Indies and Presidents up to Ulysses S. Grant. I was glad to get in some "school" even though it was vacation. For indeed, it's not like it's a lot of work or that it's boring. Hunter loves it, I love it, it's easy, and it brought some regularity and familiarity into our new environment and routine.

Reviewing our presidents and flags in the "book" I made especially for the trip

Doing our addition from one to ten

And all in all, Hunter had a great time enjoying life in the country and life with big-family homeschoolers. And I'm sure he exuberantly looks forward to our visit in the spring.

Hunter's new buddies: "Ham" and "Bacon"

Dante, his favorite horse

Go-cart + cowboy boots + dirt roads = too much fun

Playing cars with Caleb

Worn out after a long day

More pictures and videos coming soon...

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