As we were playing in the yard today, it really got me thinking how much I love Doman homeschooling. Why? Because we spend more time playing with bubbles and splashing in the kiddie pool than we do on reading, math, and encyclopedic knowledge combined. Yet Hunter is still learning advanced science, detailed history, can read well, and can solve math equations faster than a calculator. I love how amazingly intelligent God made little children, and how I can invest just a few seconds a day joyfully teaching him which would take hours upon hours of difficult work later on.
Life is fun. Hunter is enjoying his childhood to the fullest. He doesn't miss out on anything good and worthwhile in life as some unknowing critics would propose. You can really have the best of both worlds.
Here are some pictures of my happy little boy. Enjoy!

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."Mark 10:14
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