I had no idea was he was doing and then he got some of his toy animals and started putting them in the shoes. He asked me for help to get his stuffed puppy in one of them and I asked why he was in the shoe, and he said "He's in his car."
"Oh, well of course" I smiled.
I'll have to admit that the first thing that came to mind when I saw what he was doing was, "Austism?" but of course I have to laugh at myself because if you knew Hunter, you would know that he is no where NEAR the Autistic Spectrum and is very bright, social, talkative, inquisitive and physically and intellectually advanced. But I knew that lining things up and being obsessed with order is one thing that characterizes many autistic children and that's why the thought came to mind, but he does neither of those things except for this one play episode. Lining the shoes up was probably a copy of how he sees cars lined up on roads and in parking lots, and I'm sure that's what triggered this little imagination gig.
I thought I'd share this fun little moment with you. I like to post blogs on here frequently of Hunter being himself, letting everyone know that his life is not sitting in front of flash cards all day and that he has a VERY active imagination and enjoys playing all day every day, whether that play is washing dishes with Mommy, looking at cards about insect species, splashing in the kiddie pool or creating an exciting world with shoes, Legos and animal figures.
"And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof."Zechariah 8:5
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